Andrew McQueen

Project Portfolio

About Me

I am currently a University of Iowa graduate student studying finance and business analytics. I enjoy learning and using new methods to better understand complicated datasets and difficult questions.
Below you will find some of my projects.

Spring 2022

Predictions for Dow Jones
Stock Price Movements

Project to predict the price movement directions of Dow Jones 30 using sentiment scores and stocks' performance metrics. This project includes analysis to determine relationships between, and trends related to, variables, and machine learning algorithms to predict the directions of stock prices.
Language used: Python

Spring 2022

Speed Dating
Classification Project

Data science project to predict whether two people on a speed date would match, given a preliminary survey. The project includes exploratory analysis of preliminary survey variables, testing of machine learning algorithms, and the eventual use of a random forest for classification. The model was used to maximize hypothetical profits--for a restaurant hosting a speed dating event--using a profit curve.
Programs used: Excel and Orange

Spring 2022

Home Depot
Firm Valuation

Firm valuation using financial statements and DCF, EP, and DDM Models to estimate Home Depot's current share price. The evaluation includes an Excel file, which shows how we used historical data and the financial statements to forecast the company's future value. The report includes our assumptions, findings, and recommendation.
Program used: Excel

Fall 2021

Internet Service
Data Analysis

Data analysis on internet service survey data to identify trends and determine which factors significantly affected users' monthly prices. This analysis includes data visualization, supervised and unsupervised learning, some user-defined functions that could be used by those looking to compare their current internet speeds and prices to others, among other things.
Language used: Python (Jupyter Notebook)